→2nd Kuji-in
''{{Anchor|Flash Step}} {{Su}}:'' As a standard action duplicate the effect of ''shadow jaunt<sup>ToB</sup>'', teleporting 50 feet away. At 8th level this can be done as a move action, and at 16th level it can be done as a swift action.
''{{Anchor|Ki Breath}} {{Su}}:'' You use you ki to hold your breath as a swift action, allowing you to be able to hold your breath for one additional 1 minutewithout needing to make checks or risk suffocating, however you become unable to recover ki until you are next able to breath. This protect you against any poisonous gaseous effect. At 10th level this allow you to hold your breath for 1 hour.
''{{Anchor|Kitsune's Trickery}} {{Ex}}:'' As a full round action you gain the benefits of ''[[SRD:Disguise Self|disguise self]]'', which lasts until you change disguises or dismiss the effect. This is a result of clever use of makeup and minor facial positioning, and so is not detected by ''[[SRD:True Seeing|true seeing]]''.