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Azure Weapon Proficiency (3.5e Feat)

14 bytes removed, 21:13, 22 January 2019
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|prereqs=BAB +1
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit=When you take this feat choose a single weapon type (such as battle axe, longsword, scythe and so on). Once per day you may invest Essentia into this feat, once the essentia is invested, it remains invested, and cannot be reallocated for 24 hours. If you have at least one point of essentia invested you are considered proficient with the chosen weapon. For each point beyond the first 2 points invested into this feat you gain a +1 bonus to attack roll and damage roll with the chosen weapon. If you invest 3 or more essentia into this feat, you may reduce the bonus it grant by 2 to apply it to another weapon instead of the chosen weapon, this include gaining proficiency.
You gain 1 point of Essentia.

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