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Phosphorus River (3.5e Spell)

1,329 bytes added, 10:34, 20 February 2019
Created page with "{{author |author_name=Eiji-kun |date_created=2-20-19 |status=Complete |balance=High }} <onlyinclude>{{3.5e Spell |name=Phosphorus River |school=Evocation |subschool= |desc=Fi..."

<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Spell
|name=Phosphorus River
|lvl=Sorcerer/Wizard 4
|comp=V, S
|casttime=1 standard action
|range=120 ft
|dur=Concentration, up to 5 rounds
|subj=120-ft. line
|save=Reflex Half
|summary=Release a line of fire which you can concentrate on for up to 5 rounds, and slowly turn in place.

''Burn it with fire!''

You cast a line of flame out to 120 ft, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage/level (maximum 15d6 at 15th) with a [[Reflex]] save for half. The line persists posing a hazard for creatures passing through or ending their turns in the effect, and you can concentrate on it for up to 5 rounds. Each round you can sweep the beam to a new position up to 45 degrees off. Creatures in the cone created from your beams passing take minimum damage (max 15), [[Reflex]] half.

The fire is quite bright. While not enough to blind, it illuminates a 80 ft area with bright light, and 160 ft with shadowy illumination and counts as a [Light] spell for the purpose of dispelling [Darkness] effects, even though it itself is not a [Light] spell.

{{3.5e Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Breadcrumb}}<br/>

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