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Flintlock Pistol (3.5e Equipment)

752 bytes removed, 04:18, 21 February 2019
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{{Winter Cleaning|This one could probably stand for adoption by a caretaker to make usable while keeping with the intent of what it should reflect (as it is currently a Community Opposed article). Discuss adoption on the talk page, please.}}
|date_created=February 28th, 2010
|adopter=Leziad|date_adopted=20th February 2019 |status=PrototypeFinished
{{3.5e Mundane Weapon
|weap=Flintlock Pistol
The A flintlock pistol is a small firearm often used in close quarters in the off hand. When firing the flintlock primitive pistol roll 1d6 and subtract the result from the , it hold a single [[SRD:Sling Bullets|bullets]] which may be fired as an attack roll. The penalty for additional range increments when using this weapon is -3 per increment. On a critical fail the weapon jams and a full round action must be taken to repair it, this provokes attacks of opportunity. Firing this weapon does A flintlock pistol may shot but not provoke attacks of opportunity and the penalty for firing in the off reloaded with one hand is standard. If made masterwork the 1d6 roll to subtract from the attack roll is removed, but no other masterwork bonuses are added. This weapon may be used at point blank range for it require a coup d'etat. The weapon takes a full round move action to reload, but immediately after reloading, as part which provoke an attack of the same full round action, the weapon may be firedopportunity.

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