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1,818 bytes added, 22:04, 7 March 2019
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|special17=[[#Aura of Kings|Aura of Kings]] (240 feet) {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} —
|special18=[[#Divine Right|Divine Right]] {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 3
|special19=[[#Immortal Monarch|Immortal Monarch]] {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 4 |special20=[[#Divine Right|Divine Right]], [[#Grand Incarnation|Grand Incarnation]] {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 5
Control Shape,
Decipher Script,
Disable Device,
Escape Artist,
Gather Information,
Handle Animal,
Iaijutsu Focus,
Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty),Knowledge (Religion),Knowledge (The Planes),
Martial Lore,
Move Silently,
Open Lock,
Swim, Truespeak, Tumble,
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' A Pharaoh is proficient with all simple weapon as well as light armor and light shield.
'''{{Anchor|Spells}}:''' A Pharaoh cast divine spells, unlike a cleric she cast her spell spontaneously and do not need to prepare them ahead of time. Unlike other spontaneous spellcasters like the [[SRD:Sorcerer|Sorcerer]], she does not have spell know. Rather a Pharaoh cast spells directly from her spell list and her ?DOMAIN?Hegemonies. A Pharaoh determine the highest spell she can cast, her bonus spells per day and her spell DC with her [[Charisma]] score. A Pharaoh choose their spells from the following list:
0— [[SRD:Create Water|''create water'']], [[SRD:Detect Magic|''detect magic'']], [[SRD:Detect Poison|''detect poison'']], [[SRD:Light|''light'']], [[SRD:Mending|''mending'']], [[SRD:Purify Food and Drink|''purify food and drink'']], [[SRD:Read Magic|''read magic'']], [[SRD:Resistance|''resistance'']], [[SRD:Virtue|''virtue'']].
1st— [[Astral Fugue (3.5e Spell)|''astral fugue'']], [[SRD:Bless|''bless'']], [[SRD:Cause Fear|''cause fear'']], [[SRD:Command|''command'']], [[SRD:Comprehend Languages|''comprehend language'']], [[Corpse Puppet (3.5e Spell)|''corpse puppet'']], [[SRD:Curse Water|''curse water'']], [[Detect Alignment (3.5e Spell)|''detect alignment'']], [[Dry Ray (3.5e Spell)|''dry ray'']], [[Identify Symbol (3.5e Spell)|''identify symbol'']], [[Lesser Animate Dead (3.5e Spell)|''lesser animate dead'']], [[Object Insight (3.5e Spell)|''object insight'']], [[Phantom Palm (3.5e Spell)|''phantom palm'']], [[SRD:Summon Monster I|''summon monster I'']].
5th— [[SRD:Commune|''commune'']], [[SRD:Greater Command|''greater command'']], [[SRD:Raise Dead|''raise dead'']], [[SRD:Summon Monster V|''summon monster V'']], [[SRD:True Seeing|''true seeing'']]
6th— [[SRD:Create Undead|''create undead'']], [[SRD:Geas/Quest|''geas/quest'']], [[SRD:Legend Lore|''legend lore'']], [[SRD:Mass Suggestion|''mass suggestion'']], [[SRD:Summon Monster VI|''summon monster VI'']]
7th&mdash; [[SRD:Control Weather|''control weather'']], [[SRD:Ethereal Jaunt|''ethereal jaunt'']], ''greater bestow curse''<sup>SpC</sup>, [[SRD:Greater Scrying|''greater scrying'']], [[Lesser Miracle (3.5e Spell)|''lesser miracle'']], [[SRD:Power Word Blind|''power word blind'']], [[SRD:Project Image|''project image'']], [[SRD:Resurrection|''resurrection'']], [[SRD:Summon Monster VII|''summon monster VII'']], [[SRD:Symbol of Stunning|''symbol of stunning'']].
'''{{Anchor|Hegemony}}:''' A Pharaoh has access to two hegemony, which are selected from the [[SRD:Cleric|Cleric]]'s domain list. Unlike a domain, she is able to spontaneously cast spells from each of hegemonies as if they were on her spell list, although like normal spell she must have access to the correct spell level to cast a spell. If the domain power of any of her hegemony was [[Wisdom]]-based it become [[Charisma]]-based. Unlike a domain, an Hegemony do not need to be picked from a deity's domain list.
If a spell in one of her Hegemony is on her spell list, she instead gain another spell known on the Cleric list of the same level and the same school. If the spell was on the Sorcerer/Wizard list or the Druid list, then the Pharaoh may pick the replacement from that list as well.  '''{{Anchor|Divine Right}}:''' A Pharaoh receive power from the both the Gods above and from the arising divine spark within her. At 2nd level and every even level thereafterthe Pharaoh receive a divine right ability, she must meet any prerequisites noted in the description of the divine right itself. Once chosen a divine right may not be changed. The Pharaoh pick her divine rights from the following list:
''{{Anchor|Additional Hegemony}}:'' The Pharaoh receive a third Hegemony with all normal restrictions which apply to it.
'''{{Anchor|Master of Divinity}} {{Su}}:''' At 11th level, the Pharaoh's power has exceeded normal and she is shielded from the spell of 'lesser' divine casters. She gain [[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|Spell Dampening]] 2 against the spells of other divine caster whose class level is equal or lower than her. She may lower this resistance as a free action usable outside of her turn.
'''{{Anchor|Timeless Body}} {{Ex}}:''' A 15th level Pharaoh receive the Timeless Body ability as a [[SRD:Druid|Druid]]. '''{{Anchor|Immortal Monarch}} {{Ex}}:''' A 19th level Pharaoh is no longer held by death, after she dies she return from the living 1 round later as per [[SRD:Raise Dead|''raise dead'']] with no level loss, assuming her body is illegible for such effect. She do not lose all her spells, instead she lose spells as if she had taken 1d4+1 negative levels.  If her body is damaged beyond the limit of the spell or she is slain by a [death]-effect she is brought back from the dead as per [[SRD:Resurrection|''resurrection'']] one week later, where what left of her body is. If her body is completely and utterly destroyed or she dies of old age, she is brought back from the dead as per [[SRD:True Resurrection|''true resurrection'']] as a young adult at a tomb or shrine dedicated to her. However the process take an entire millennia and if no shrine or tombs exist then she is unable to come back. Indeed if the Pharaoh is forgotten she is done for good but there is no time limit on this ability otherwise. This ability does not prevent the Pharaoh from being brought back from the dead in normal means. Finally if the Pharaoh is a lich or other creature who respawn, her respawning time is cut in half. '''{{Anchor|Grand Incarnation}}:'''A 20th level Pharaoh has achieve divine perfection, gaining the [[Godspark (3.5e Template)|Godspark]] template without needing to perform a [[God (3.5e Prestige Class)/Task of Ascension|Task of Ascension]]. She gain a single divine [[Salient Ability (3.5e Feat Type)|salient ability]], counting as if she had a single divine rank for the purpose of prerequisite. This salient ability is in addition to any she acquire when she become a proper [[God (3.5e Prestige Class)|God]].

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