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*''Sensors:'' A ships' sensors give its pilots a +6 competence bonus to Listen, Search and Spot checks and allow it to make such checks in reaction to anything within range of the ship’s sight, regardless of direction or awareness and as long as the pilot or vehicle has line of effect. At a successful check against a creature or object, the pilot becomes immediately aware of it.
*''Craft (Xeno-):'' Creatures with the [[Craft Xeno- (3.5e Skill)|craft (xeno-mech)]] skill can craft {{{1|<STAR SHIP NAME>}}}.
*''Costs:'' The {{{1|<STAR SHIP NAME>}}} costs [[Costs::{{{2|<COSTS, (I), (II) & (III)>}}} ]] gp.
*''Vehicle:'' As a vehicle, the {{{1|<SHIP NAME>}}} ship has no mental or Dexterity scores of its own, but takes the scores of its pilot, as well as initiative and skills. To operate the {{{1|<SHIP NAME>}}} ship, one must enter and close the cockpit door as a full-round action, To operate the {{{1|<SHIP NAME>}}} ship, one must succeed a DC{{{3|<SKILL DC>}}} [[Pilot (3.5e Skill)|pilot]] check, to start the system as a move action. Once active, it remains active until you depart. Ships may have additional abilities listed below:
(Ignore, for table [[Pilot::{{{3|<SKILL DC>}}}]]; [[Costs::{{{2|<COSTS, (I), (II) & (III)>}}} gp]].)</onlyinclude>