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|date_created=April 2019
{| class="dragon monstats" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
|+ style="font-size: larger; white-space: nowrap;" | Candy Beam
| colspan="2" | [[Level::Saiyan Warrior Greater]]; 7th
{{#set:Summary=You fire a pink beam of energy that transforms a target into an empowered Goodberry.}}
You fire a pink beam from one of your fingers costing 30 ki points, making a ranged touch attack against a single creature or nonmagical object within close range. If the attack hit, the creature (or magic item) is allowed to make a [[Fortitude]] save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the user's class level + the user's Wisdom modifier) or instantly turn into a candy of your choice. The candy is delicious and acts as a powerful [[SRD:Goodberry|''goodberry'']] when eaten, except it heals 1d4 damage per HD the target had instead of the normal amount of healing. The target is considered dead and it's body and nonmagical possession are considered destroyed, magic items the creature wore simply fall to the ground.
A creature and it's equipment destroyed by this invocation may be recovered by a [[SRD:Miracle|''miracle'']], [[SRD:Wish|''wish'']] or [[SRD:True Resurrection|''true resurrection'']] spell.
{{3.5e Saiyan Warrior Invocations Breadcrumb}}

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