[[Category:5e Spells]]
[[Category:5e Bard Spells]]
[[Category:5e Sorcerer Spells]]
[[Category:5e Wizard Spells]]
casters, canon
{{OGL Topambiguous|Teleport|5th ed. spell}}{{5esrd}}
'''{{Title Only|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}''' is a [[SRD5:Spell|spell]] in 5th edition.
{{5e Spell
The destination you choose must be known to you, and it must be on the same {{srd5lc|Plane of Existence}} as you. Your familiarity with the destination determines whether you arrive there successfully. The {{SRD5|GM}} rolls d100 and consults the table.
{{{!}}class="zebra d20" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:#e8d693; border-radius:0.5em;"
'''Mishap.''' The spell’s unpredictable magic results in a difficult journey. Each teleporting creature (or the target object) takes 3d10 {{srd5lc|Force}} damage, and the GM rerolls on the table to see where you wind up (multiple mishaps can occur, dealing damage each time). <!-- main spell desc -->
|casters=Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
{{SRD5 Footer|Spell}}
[[Category:SRD5 Spells]]