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167 bytes added, 18:43, 16 May 2019
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{{#set:Summary=Grow two more arms to assist with attacking, defending and grappling}}
The user of this ability has learned how to use his ki to infuse his body in such a way, that he can grow two extra arms. To do this the user must spend 25 ki points and a full round action growing the arms. He then gains a +2 circumstance bonus to attack, a +2 circumstance bonus to AC, and a +4 circumstance bonus to all grapple checks. He must spend 5 ki every 5 rounds to maintain these arms.
You have learned how to infuse your body in such a way, that you can grow to extra arms. To do this you must spend 25 ki and a full round action growing Maintaining the arms. You then get a circumstance bonus of +2 to attack, +2 AC, and +4 to all grapple checks. You must spend 5 ki every 5 rounds to maintain these arms. Maintaining these arms are is strenuous, and if you are the user is hit by any attack, you he must make a [[SRD:Concentration|concentration ]] check(DC Damage = damage dealt) or the arms will dissipate along with the bonuses it providesprovided, and you the user must spend an additional full round action and 25 ki to regrow them again.

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