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Nightmarish Illusion (3.5e Feat)

No change in size, 03:07, 23 July 2019
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* ''Area of Effect:'' The terrifying and alien nature of the illusion cause all creatures to become [[At Bay (3.5e Condition)|At Bay]] from the area of the illusion unless they disbelieve it. This last for the spell duration or 1 round, whichever is longer.
* ''Personal Spell:'' You cause yourself to become shifted and twisted, causing all hostile creatures who see you to make a [[Will]] save (same DC as the spell would have) who see you to or become [[At Bay (3.5e Condition)|At Bay]] from you for the duration of the spell or until they successful successfully strike you. * ''Targeted Spell:'' If the target or targets of the spell fail the [[Will]] save against the spell they take 2 points of [[Wisdom]] damage in addition to the normal effect of the spell. If the spell had no [[Will]] save , the target is allowed one equal to the normal spell DC to negate the [[Wisdom]] damage.
Finally if you use this spell feat on a ''phantasmal'' spell (such as [[SRD:Phantasmal Killer|''phantasmal killer'']]) it increase the DC of the [[Fortitude]] by 2 if the [[Will]] save is failed. This in addition to the normal benefits granted by a phantasmal targeted spell.
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