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Fire Potency (3.5e Spell)

5 bytes added, 02:08, 25 July 2019
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As part of casting a evocation or conjuration spell with the [Fire] descriptor of 1st level or lower, you may expend all energy of this spell, ending it early. This increasing the affected spell's caster level by +2, increase fire damage by +1 per fire damage dice rolled and allow it to ignore damage ignore 1 point of fire resistance per caster level.
You may cast overcast this spell in higher level spell lot slot for greater effect.
If you overcast this in a 3rd level spell slot , it become ''Improved Fire Potency'', the bolts of fire now deal 1d6 + caster level (maximum of +10). The spell level limit for any spell it can augment increase to 3rd level or lower.
If you overcast this in a 5th level spell slot , it become ''Greater Fire Potency'', the bolts of fire now deal 2d8 + caster level (maximum of +15). The spell level limit for any spell it can augment increase to 5th level or lower.
If you overcast this in a 7th level spell slot , it become ''Superior Fire Potency'', the bolts of fire now deal 5d8 + caster level. The spell level limit for any spell it can augment increase to 7th level or lower.
If you overcast this in a 9th level spell slot , it become ''True Fire Potency'', the bolts of fire now deal 10d8 + twice caster level. The spell level limit for any spell it can augment increase to 9th level or lower. </onlyinclude>

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