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You greatly increase the momentum of your attack, greatly increasing the impact. As part of initiating this maneuver you make a charge attack or a ranged attack as a full-round action. If you hit you deal an additional 1d6 damage per initiator level (max 15d6) and the struck creature is pushed back 10 feet, fall [[SRD:Prone|prone]] and must make a [[Fortitude]] save or become [[SRD:Stunned|stunned]] for 1 round from the impact. A successful DC 15 [[SRD:Balance Skill|Balance]] check negate the prone. A creature who is huge or larger take the extra damage and risk being stunned but do not move or fall prone.
You may initiate this strike as [[Accelerated Impact (3.5e Maneuver)|Accelerated Impact''accelerated impact'']] if you wish, doing so expend this maneuver as normal.

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