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Acid Trip (3.5e Feat)

4 bytes removed, 17:51, 4 February 2020
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|prereqs= Only usable on spells with acid descriptor, that deal acid damage
|fluff= The victim started tripping out and freaking out from the acid
|benefit= An acid trip spell causes the target to experience a drug like high from the acid. The target must make a fortitude save or suffer from the effects of an acid high. When affected by the acid trip the target is affected by a random effect as listed on the table for 1d4 rounds. Targets immune to poison are immune to the acid trip. An acid trip spell takes up a spell slot two levels higher then the spell's actual level.The effects are able to affect creatures immune to mind affecting conditions due to this being a poison effect not mental but they do get a +5 to fort save to resist.  
| 4 || style="text-align: left;" |Panicked
The effects are able to affect creatures immune to mind affecting conditions due to this being a poison effect not mental but they do get a +4 to fort save to resist.

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