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Rising Thermal (3.5e Feat)

37 bytes added, 10:13, 6 February 2020
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|benefit=At will as a non-action you may make your cloaks and other loose items billow dramatically.
Also as a swift action you can generate warm thermals under you. As long as you have some manner of cloak or other large billowing object you can rise up to 10 ft high per spell level of the highest spell level you have available. You shoot straight up, but may move 5 ft in any direction as part of this and you glide back to the ground harmlessly. This effectively behaves as the ''updraft''<sup>SpC</sup> spellthat you can employ every 1d4 rounds. Many users pair this with a [[Robe of the Journeyman (3.5e Equipment)|robe of the journeyman]] and "fly" by repeatedly rising and gliding up to their movement speed.
In addition you gain a +1 CL to your [Fire] spells.

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