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Warlord (3.5e Class)

No change in size, 23:25, 3 March 2020
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'''{{Anchor|Fast Movement}} {{Ex}}:''' A Warlords land speed is faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet. While wearing medium or heavy armor his speed is still reduced as normal. For example, a human Warlord has a speed of 40 rather than 30 feet, when wearing light or no armor. When wearing medium armor or carrying a heavy load, his speed drops to 30 feet. After receiving the Armor Mastery (medium) ability at 4th level, his speed would only drop back down to 30 feet for carrying a heavy load, but would otherwise remain 40 feet even in the medium armor. A Halfling Warlord has a speed of 30 feet rather than 20 feet in light or no armor. When wearing medium armor or carrying a heavy load his speed drops to 20 feet. After receiving the Armor Mastery (medium) ability at 4th level, his speed would only drop back down to 20 feet for carrying a heavy load, but would otherwise remain 30 feet in the medium armor. The same applies to heavy armor at 8th level.
'''{{Anchor|Shield Block}} {{Ex}}:''' Starting at 2nd level a Warlord excels in using his shield to fustrate his enemies attacks. During his action, he may designate a single opponent as the target of this ability. His shield bonus against that foe increases by +2. He moves his shield to deflect an oncoming blow, possibly providing just enough protection to turn a telling swing into a near miss. This shield bonus increases to +4 3 at 9th level and +6 4 at 19th.
'''{{Anchor|Uncanny Dodge}} {{Ex}}:''' At 2nd level a Warlord gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat footed or is struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
| 25th || class="left" | Bonus Feat
| 26th || class="left" | Shield Block +85
| 27th || class="left" | Bonus Feat

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