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|space=10 ft. |reach=10 ft.
|sa=Disjunctive Blow, Fear Aura 60 ft., Flurry of Blows, Life Drain +5, [[Maneuver-Like Abilities (3.5e Creature Ability)|Maneuver-Like Abilities]], Raging Devil, Smell Magic
|sq=AC Bonus, Blindsight 30 ft., DR 15/epic and good, Darkvision 60 ft., Disruptive Field 60 ft.(DC 25), Flash Step, Greater Extraordinary Health, Hellfire Wings, Hinder Magic, Immunities, Improved Evasion, Low-Light Vision, Pugilist, Regeneration 5, SR 31, Telepathy 100 ft.
|fort=+22 |ref=+20 |will=+19
|str=36 |dex=26 |con=30 |int=22 |wis=24 |cha=28
''A giant of a man stood before you, slate gray skin giving stark contrast to his burning red eyes and hair made of flames which danced unnaturally in the air. Its frame was cut with massive muscles, its glare of one with a will of iron, and an overwhelming heat eminated emanated from its flaming wings which seemed to float detached from its body. You barely blink, before it is right upon you crushing the life out of you with a single hand.''
[[Summary::Dread tales tell of the genslatr, a lawful evil outsider found on Acheron whose mere mention disturbs even the hardest of devils. Masters of battle, eternally fighting in endless conflict, the genslatrs are the essence of war distilled. Filled with hatred of all things and desiring to crush life out with their own hands, they are a threat to the world itself.]] They are born from the souls of those whose murder count is impossibly high, powerful but evil warriors who never fought for peace or even for greed, but for the sake of fighting itself. Only the most bloodstained of them all are transformed into genslatrs. They appear as musculed muscled men whose skin is discolored gray with ash, blank eyes burning red, hair of flame, and an eternal scowl of contempt on their faces. Their mere presence on a battlefield is enough to cause armies to flee in terror.
They make up the leaders of the menos subtype, lower planar beasts who have a disruptive effect on magic. A genslatr is about 8 to 10 feet tall and weigh 500 lbs. They speak Abyssal, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, and Infernal, and up to six other languages. However they rarely speak anything besides orders and challenges.
'''Disjunctive Blow {{Su}}:''' As a standard action a genslatr can sacrifice a maneuver and duplicate the effects of a ''[[SRD:Mage's Disjunction|mage's disjunction]]'' except with the following differences; the range is touch and the genslatr is excluded from the effect, all magical effects and magic items are suppressed in a 40-ft. radius burst, rather than destroyed, and the duration is a number of rounds equal to the level of the maneuver sacrificed. Creatures in the area must make a single DC 29 [[Will]] save or have their abilities suppressed for the duration rather than be destroyed. It still has a chance to destroy antimagic fields and artifacts, the effective caster level is equal to its HD. Once it uses this ability regardless of success or failure, it cannot use it again for 5 rounds. The saving throw is [[Charisma]] based.
'''Disruptive Field {{Ex}}:''' An aura which radiates in a 30 60-foot radius out from the menos disrupts the flow of magic, psionics, and any other spell or spell-like ability. Any attempts to cast within one automatically fail as if they failed must succeed on a Concentration caster level check DC 5 + the creature's HD or be unable to cast defensively(the action is lost, but the spell however is not lost). It is not an antimagic field, and so magical effects originating from outside the field can still get in.
'''Fear Aura {{Su}}:''' A genslatr can radiate a 5-foot-radius [[SRD:Fear|fear]] aura as a [[SRD:Free Actions|free action]]. Affected creatures must succeed on a [[SRD:DC|DC]] 29 [[SRD:Saving Throw|Will save]] or be affected as though by a ''[[SRD:Fear|fear]]'' spell ([[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]] 20th). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same genslatr’s aura for 24 hours. Other devils are immune to the aura. The save [[SRD:DC|DC]] is [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]]-based.
'''Flurry of Blows {{Ex}}:''' A genslatr can perform a flurry of blows equal to a monk of its level, gaining two extra unarmed strike attacks on a full attack.
'''Greater Extraordinary Health {{Ex}}:''' Unnaturally tough, a genslatr uses d20s as its hit dice. A menos always recieves receives maximum hit points per hit die.
'''Hellfire Wings {{Ex}}:''' A genslatr has wings made of hellfire which float disjointed from its body. It can manifest the wings as a free action, illuminating the area as a [[SRD:Torch|torch]] and allowing it to fly, and make wing buffet attacks. A genslatr can make touch attacks with its wings and deal 6d6 hellfire damage. Unlike normal fire damage, hellfire ignores fire resistance and immunity.
'''Hinder Magic {{Ex}}:''' The genslatr has [[Hinder Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|energy hinderancehindrance]], reducing all magical damage or healing by 50%.
'''Immunities {{Ex}}:''' A genslatr is immune to cold, fall damage, fire, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep, and stunning. It is also immune to natural environmental effects, such as pressure damage from the vacuum of space, or the negative energy trait of the negative energy plane. It does not protect from non-environment damage, such as an ''[[SRD:Inflict Light Wounds|inflict]]'' spell while on the negative energy plane.
'''Life Drain {{Ex}}:''' Any successful attack against a living creature deals at +5 extra damage (already accounted for), which is absorbed as 5 point of healing per attack.
'''Maneuver-Like Abilities {{Ex}}:''' ''[[Anima Explosion (3.5e Maneuver)|anima explosion]]'' (strike), ''[[Blade Grasp (3.5e Maneuver)|blade grasp]]'' (counter), ''[[Bloody Cleaver (3.5e Maneuver)|bloody cleaver]]'' (boost), ''[[Devilish Catharsis (3.5e Maneuver)|devilish catharsis]]'' (boost), ''[[Flash of the Scarlet Menace (3.5e Maneuver)|flash of the scarlet menace]]'' (strike), ''[[Penumbra of Destruction (3.5e Maneuver)|penumbra of destruction]]'' (strike), ''[[Qi Critical (3.5e Maneuver)|qi critical]]''(counter), ''[[Qi Lock (3.5e Maneuver)|qi lock]]'' (strike), ''[[Quivering Soul (3.5e Maneuver)|quivering soul]]'' (strike), ''[[Savage Attack (3.5e Maneuver)|savage attack]]'' (stance), ''[[Spirit Shift (3.5e Maneuver)|spirit shift]]'' (boost), ''[[Spiritual Pressure (3.5e Maneuver)|spiritual pressure]]'' (boost), ''[[Spiritual Resistance (3.5e Maneuver)|spiritual resistance]]'' (counter), ''[[Tongue of Heaven and Earth (3.5e Maneuver)|tongue of heaven and earth]]'' (stance), ''[[Zeno's Lemma (3.5e Maneuver)|zeno's lemma]]'' (rush). The genslatr can refresh its maneuvers as a warblade<sup>ToB</sup>, making a swift action followed by an attack or a fluorish flourish as a standard action.
'''Pugilist {{Ex}}:''' A genslatr has the unarmed strike of a [[monk]] of its level, and is proficient in unarmed strikes. In addition its fists count as ghost touch, magic, lawful, evil, epic, and adamantine weapons. It also counts as a monk for the purposes of feats and abilities (such as how many Stunning Fist attempts they recieve).