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Dromani (5e Race)

1 byte removed, 05:01, 8 March 2021
Dromani Traits
|languages=Dromanese, Common, and Drow Sign. Choose One of the following for listen and speak understanding: Elvish, Low Drowic, Undercommon.<br>
* Dromanese is a congolomeration of Elvish, Low Drowic, Common, and even borrowed words from Druidic, often applying one languages rules to roots from another language, which makes it hard to understand for native speakers of any of it's its roots. Those fluent in Elvish and Low Drowic have the easiest time picking up Dromanese, because about two-thirds of the language comes from originally being a pidgin of those two, and then the other parts were added in as time passed. They are generally kinder to anyone who can speak Dromanese that's not Dromani
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