→True Gastromancer
Be aware that you may adapt spell levels for minor spellcasters (such as bards) and partial spellcasters (such as paladins and rangers).
In alternative, you may use the [[Publication:Unearthed Arcana/Spellcaster|generic spellcaster]] from Unearthed Arcana as base. You may want to add more skills and/or skill points, another good save or increase the hit die from a d4 to a d6, because your choice of spells will be very limited and you won't get the full list of a base class. Treat spells that appear on multiple spells lists at different levels as the lowest level of them. It would be also better let the gastromancer consider all gastromancy spells as known, casting them as a dread necromancer<ref>Heroes of Horror</ref> or a beguiler<ref>Player's Handbook II</ref> would, given the small number of spells this school has.
===Homebrew Gastromancy Spells===