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Ferocious Leaper (3.5e Maneuver)

129 bytes added, 23:04, 1 May 2021
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This stance allows the transformed initiator to make tremendous leaps. This stance only grants benefits to an initiator in their hybrid form or equivalent.
While in this stance, the initiator gains a fly speed equal to her base land speed with poor maneuverability, but only she was in contact with the ground at before starting her movement. The initiator can take a double move actions, the run action or charge action this way with only the start of her turninitial ground contact. She may only travel in a straight line or in a parabolic arc created by gravity with the fly speed granted by this stance. If the initiator starts her turn in the air, you she fall as normal. As an additional benefit this stance allows the initiator to ignore 10 feet of fall per initiator level.

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