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Dire Elf (3.5e Monster)

41 bytes added, 03:34, 25 June 2021
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|space=5 ft |reach=5 ft
|sa=Devour Essence, Long Curse, Wilding
|sq=DR 3/cold iron, Elven Grace, Endure Elements, Evasion, Immunity to Sleep, Low-Light Vision, Trackless Step, Woodland Stride, Resist Acid/Cold/Electricity/Fire 53, [[SRD:Scent|Scent]]
|fort=+6 |ref=+8 |will=+5 (+9 vs enchantment)
|str=18 |dex=14 |con=16 |int=16 |wis=14 |cha=14
Dire elves are as capable of using weapons as normal elves, and possess proficiency in the same weapons as normal [[SRD:Elf|elves]]. They are typically ambush predators, moving through wild terrain and using it to their advantage.
'''Devour Essence {{Su}}:''' Dire elves are more than able to eat raw meat, even humanoid meat, with no problem. They can devour a corpse up to their size over the course of 1 minute (or half the time each size down, or twice the time each size up). If they devour a corpse, they heal as much hp as the HD of the target, and recover 1 ability damage to all abilities. In addition, they can briefly adopt the form of the last creature they devoured as if using [[SRD:Change Shape|the change shape ability]], so long as the devoured creature has a CR equal to its HD or less. It can retain this form for up to 2 hours/HD before it runs out, or until it chooses to shift back. AfterwordsAfterwards, they need to devour new prey to shift again. Shifting is a standard action.
'''Elven Grace {{Ex}}:''' A dire elf adds its [[Charisma]] bonus to all its saving throws.
'''Evasion {{Ex}}:''' A dire elf has evasion as a [[SRD:Rogue|rogue]].
'''Long Curse {{Su}}:''' If a dire elf is slain, as an immediate action it may speak a dying curse. This acts as ''[[SRD:Bestow Curse|bestow curse]]'', but need not go into effect immediately. In fact, it need not go into effect on the creature itself but can pass onto one of the creatures children, their childrens children, and so on. The contingency on this curse is specified on casting, but the saving throw (DC 2018, with a +4 2 racial bonus to DC) occurs when the curse is triggered. Preventing a dire elf from speaking, or denying them their immediate action, can prevent the curse from going into play. The saving throw is [[Charisma]] based.
'''Trackless Step {{Ex}}:''' A dire elf has trackless step as a [[SRD:Druid|druid]].

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