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Dire Elf (3.5e Monster)

44 bytes added, 03:38, 25 June 2021
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'''Evasion {{Ex}}:''' A dire elf has evasion as a [[SRD:Rogue|rogue]].
'''Long Curse {{Su}}:''' If a dire elf is slain, as an immediate action it may speak a dying curse. This acts as ''[[SRD:Bestow Curse|bestow curse]]'', but need not go into effect immediately. In fact, it need not go into effect on the creature itself but can pass onto one of the creatures children, their childrens children, and so on. The contingency on this curse is specified on castingand its conditions known to those observing, but the saving throw (DC 18, with a +2 racial bonus to DC) occurs when the curse is triggered. Preventing a dire elf from speaking, or denying them their immediate action, can prevent the curse from going into play. The saving throw is [[Charisma]] based.
'''Trackless Step {{Ex}}:''' A dire elf has trackless step as a [[SRD:Druid|druid]].

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