'''Ability Scores While Raging'''
Str: 4644
Dex: 10
Con: 4240
Int: 12
Wis: 10
''HP:'' 18d12 + 2d10 + 240 (Con)= 357 HP, 437 While Raging<br><br> 10 from Bear and Vop''AC While Raging:'' 8681= 10(base)+12(AC)+1615(Dex<Con)+ 28 27 (Natural) +4(Deflection) + 1615(Untyped FoF)-42(Rage)<br><br>''Saves While Raging:''<br> Fort: 36 38 =18(base)+1615(Con)+2(Great Fortitude)+ 3 (Vow of Poverty)<br> Ref: 14 15 =12(base)+0(Dex)+2(Lightning Reflexes)+ 3 (VoP)<br> Will: 13 17 =10(base)- 1 +0(Wis) + 2(Iron Will) + 2 (Rage) + 3 (VoP)<br><br>
''Spell Resistance:'' 13 (Forsaker)
''Special:'' Anyone who Hits the Raging Bear Warrior With A Weapon needs to have their Weapon Make a Fortitude Save or Shatter. The DC is (10+1/2 Character Level+Con Mod) Which for our Bear, means that While raging, the Weapon Must make a DC Fortitude Save of 36, which is boosted to 40 from our Vow of Non-Violence Ability to boost Save DC's of non-lethal abilities. When the Bear Warrior is Not Raging, the DC is 32, which is boosted to 36. Regardless. If it fails, it shatters. Poof.<br><br>
''Attack Rolls, Raging, Bear Form.''<br>
+20/+18/+16/+14(Base) + 1817(STR)+ 5 (Exalted) = +4342/+3837/+3332/+2827<br>
''Full Attack:'' 2 Claw Attacks +43 42 [(2d6+18(STR)+ 5(Exalted)) (30)], 1 Bite Attack, +38 37 [(2d8+9 (STR) + 5 (Exalted)) (23)]<br><br>
Damage Per Round Suffers a little on this build. But He's more than capable of Holding his Own. DPR vs. AC 40 is 8079.75, which isn't mind shattering. But it's his defensive abilities that make him worthwhile. That, and he's a Bear. Come on, how cool is that?
=== Tactics ===
He's a Bear. He Eats People. I'm not sure what else to say. Make yourself a target. Start Grappling People just by whacking them with your claws.
=== Munchkin-Size Me ===