Created page with "{{author |author_name=the bluez in the dungeon |date_created=19/10/2021 |status=Complete |balance=Very High }} {{Tome Spellcasting Feat |name=Ordersentence Magic |types= |sum..."
|author_name=the bluez in the dungeon
|balance=Very High
{{Tome Spellcasting Feat
|name=Ordersentence Magic
|summary=The power of law flows through your voice into your spells
|prereqs=Ability to cast spells, ability to speak [[Expanded Languages (3.5e Other)|axial]]
|lvl1=If you speak [[Expanded Languages (3.5e Other)|axial]] while casting, you add +2 to the DC of all of your spells with the [[Lawful Effect|Lawful descriptor]].
|lvl4=By speaking axial during casting you can make any spells into a [[Lawful Effect|Lawful]] spell, except for chaotic spells.
|lvl6=Adding axial as a vocal component and increasing casting time by one step, you may cast a smiting spell, that inflicts your caster level + your casting modifier as bonus, untyped damage to the target, but only if it's non-lawful and if it fails the save, if there's one, or it's completely affected by the spell.
|lvl8=If speaking axial while casting, you may treat [[SRD:Abjuration School|abjuration]] spells as [[SRD:Extenden|extended]].
{{3.5e Scaling Feats Breadcrumb}}<br>
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[[Category:Scaling Feat]]
[[Category:Book of Elements]]
|author_name=the bluez in the dungeon
|balance=Very High
{{Tome Spellcasting Feat
|name=Ordersentence Magic
|summary=The power of law flows through your voice into your spells
|prereqs=Ability to cast spells, ability to speak [[Expanded Languages (3.5e Other)|axial]]
|lvl1=If you speak [[Expanded Languages (3.5e Other)|axial]] while casting, you add +2 to the DC of all of your spells with the [[Lawful Effect|Lawful descriptor]].
|lvl4=By speaking axial during casting you can make any spells into a [[Lawful Effect|Lawful]] spell, except for chaotic spells.
|lvl6=Adding axial as a vocal component and increasing casting time by one step, you may cast a smiting spell, that inflicts your caster level + your casting modifier as bonus, untyped damage to the target, but only if it's non-lawful and if it fails the save, if there's one, or it's completely affected by the spell.
|lvl8=If speaking axial while casting, you may treat [[SRD:Abjuration School|abjuration]] spells as [[SRD:Extenden|extended]].
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[[Category:Scaling Feat]]
[[Category:Book of Elements]]