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Mage's Melee Maneuver (3.5e Spell)

13 bytes added, 13:43, 23 December 2021
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''Considered an emergency measure, allowing a spellcaster forced into the danger of melee to theoretically deal some damage.''
When you cast this spell, you may make a single melee attack before the end of your turn. If you do so, you no longer add your [[Strength]] (or appropriate ability score) to damage, but retain any penalties. Instead add your ability modifier in additional damage. This damage is not increased altered by two-handing or off-handing a weapon, and is the same type of damage as the base weapon. It does not function on attacks which do not add an ability score to damage normally. This discharges the spell.
''Focus:'' A melee weapon which you use as your attack.

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