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Bystander (3.5e Equipment)

400 bytes added, 17:30, 4 July 2022
[[Summary::Weaponize peace to avoid interference from other enemies.]] A devious enhancement with the spectacular twist of making the attacker ignored from others.
The first time each turn that the wielder of a bystander weapon successfully hits an enemy with that weapon, all the target's allies, within 20 feet-6 meters-from the attacker, must make a Will save (DC is 10 + the weapon's enhancement bonus + the score's modifier used for the attack) to avoid being put under an effect similar to the negative effect of the [[SRD:Sanctuary|''sanctuary'']] spell. The effect lasts until the next round of the wielder and forces all the target's affected allies not to intervene in the fight, neither attacking the wielder, nor helping the target (though area of effect effects may still affect both, if there are also other valid targets in the affected area, not under the effects of a bystander weapon), meaning that they may not use any beneficial affect on it that requires targeting it or choosing it as a target for that effect (although they may assist through other methods, such as someone standing next to it under the effects of a ''[[SRD:Magic Circle Against Evil|magic circle]]'' spell). This is a mind-affecting effect.
This enhancement is +1 for a weapon that has the [[SRD:Merciful|merciful]] property.

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