Ox (5e)
,updated for Monsters of the Multiverse
{{5epointer|Volo's Guide to MonstersVaried|sources=VGtM, MotM}}{{5e Monster Pointer
|name=Ox <!--Creature Name-->
|sorttext= <!--Usually usually blank, category . text to sortby-->|pubrefs=<ref name="motm.82">{{Cite Pub|Monsters of the Multiverse|pages=81}} Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref> <ref name="volo.207208">{{Cite Pub|Volo's Guide to Monsters |pages=207-208}} Licensed: © [[Wizards of the Coast]] {{fairuc}}.</ref> |monsterref= <!--Publication namerefered to in text-->
|size=Large <!--Medium, Large, etc.-->
|type=Beast <!--Dragon, Humanoid, Outsider, Swarm, etc.-->
|subtype=Cow <!--Elf, Goblinoid, etc.-->
|align=Unaligned <!--Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil-->
|ac=10 <!--armor class-->|acfluff= <!--reason if given-->|hp=15 <!--Hit Pointsnumber of hit points-->|hd=|speed=30 ft. |saves= <!--bonus to save; {{5eStr}} +5-->|skills= <!--{{SRD5|Stealth}} +3-->|damagevulnerabilities= <!--usually blank. bludgeoning, slashing, piercing-->|damageresistances= <!--bludgeoning, slashing, piercing-->|damageimmunity= <!--damage type; fire, radiant-->|conditionimmunity= <!--condition; charmed, petrified-->|senses= <!--darkvision 60 feet, Tremorsense 30 feet-->|perception=10 <!--Passive Perception; 15-->|languages= <!--{{5eLang|Common}}, Goblin, None, etc.-->
|cr=1/4 <!--Challenge Rating-->
|xp= <!--Experience points for destroyingblank unless less than CR 1/8 or greater than CR 30-->|descpointer=true|summary= Domesticated draft animal (bovine). <!--UNOFFICIAL/UNPLAGIARIZED 1-2 line unofficial, UNPLAGIRIZED, description of the monster--> |feature1=Beast of Burden <!--monster feature names up |flimit1=|fdesc1={{SRD5trait}} The oxen is considered to 10-->be a {{SRD5|Huge}} animal for the purpose of determining its {{srd5lc|Carry}}ing capacity.
|feature3flimit2= |fdesc2={{SRD5trait}} <ref name="var1">{{pub|MotM}} folds the {{iplink|Charge}} feature into the {{iplink|Gore}} action.</ref> If the cow moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same {{srd5lc|Turn}}, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) {{srd5lc|Piercing}} damage. |action1=Gore <!--action names actions up to 10-->|alimit1=|adesc1=''{{SRD5|Melee Weapon Attack}}'' <ref name="var1" /> |baction1=<!--bonus actions up to 10-->|action2blimit1=|action3bdesc1=|reaction1=<!--reactions up to 5-->|rlimit1=|rdesc1=|legend1=<!--legendary actions up to 5-->|lgdlimit1=|lgddesc1=|haslair=<!--blank, true is has lair-->
[[Category:5e Canon Monsters]]