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|desc=<!-- maneuver descriptors; ex: Fire -->
''You unleash the inner beast completely, gaining the full furor of a scorned legendary beast.''
You must be in ''regal mode'' and be wielding a manufactured weapon to initiate this maneuver. Upon initiating this maneuver, you immediately switch to feral mode and throw your manufactured weapon in the air. You gain a +8 6 morale bonus to [[Strength]] and [[Constitution]] and you unarmed strikes and natural weapons deals damage as if they were two size categories larger, both effects last for as long as you remain in ''feral mode'', up to a maximum of 5 rounds.
After 5 rounds have elapsed, or if you decide to return to ''regal mode'' before then, you immediately catch your falling weapon and return to ''regal mode''.
If you have been made [[SRD:Helpless|helpless]] or died, your weapon instead falls onto the creature which defeated you. Make an attack roll, as if you had made a thrown attack with your weapon while under the effect of this maneuver the round you initiated it. You may use your [[Strength]] bonus instead of your [[Dexterity]] bonus on this ranged attack roll. You take no penalties for using an improvised thrown weapon or from range. If the attack hits, it deals an extra +20d6 15d6 damage and adds four times your [[Strength]] to damage rather than once.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.