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Jeweled Elytron (3.5e Feat)

1 byte removed, 12:59, 14 April 2023
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|summary=Your chitin is shimmering like a jewel.
|prereqs=[[Stercules_(3.5e_Race)#Racial_Traits|Elytron Carapace]].
|benefit=You gain [[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|spell dampening]] 1, which you can suppress as a free action for one round. You can put armor crystals onto your carapace and gain their benefits, as if it was armor. Your carapace counts as if being a lapis lazuli focus of at least 100 gp for the purpose of [[Azure Sorcery (3.5e Feat)|Azure Sorcery]], and as if you were wielding it.

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