Every door leads somewhere, and you go everywhere.
|date_created=June 6, 2023
|balance=Very High
<onlyinclude>{{Tome Skill Feat
|summary=You have complete mastery of portals.
|skill=Open Lock
|prereqs=<!-- All prerequisites, separated by commas -->
|skill0=You may open or close doors as though you were wearing [[Doorslip_Shoes_(3.5e_Equipment)|doorslip shoes]].
|skill4=You have an preternatural awareness of portals and can [[SRD:Detect_Secret_Doors|detect secret doors]] as the spell as a SLA at will.
|skill9=As a Supernatural Ability any key that you hold becomes the Master Key which can fit in any key-lock, and as a standard action work as [[SRD:Knock|knock]]. If the Master Key fails to open a door it may not attempt again on that door for 24 hours.
|skill14=Any portal opened with the Master Key will allow those who pass through to [[SRD:Teleport|teleport]] to any destination door that the Doorman visualizes, functioning much like Ring Gates with no limit on range or weight so long as they exit through a doorway. If no doorway is available to exit through then treat it as a False Destination on the teleport table. If this door is opened without the Master Key, then it again functions only as a mundane door. The effect ends after 2d6 rounds, or when the door closes, whichever occurs first.
|skill19=Portals opened with the Master Key now may be used to [[SRD:Plane_Shift|plane shift]] to a random door on the intended plane, again functioning much like Ring Gates with no limit on range or weight so long as they exit through a random doorway within 5 to 500 miles of the intended destination. If no door exists within that range then the attempt fails and door behaves as if it was opened without the Master Key.
|date_created=June 6, 2023
|balance=Very High
<onlyinclude>{{Tome Skill Feat
|summary=You have complete mastery of portals.
|skill=Open Lock
|prereqs=<!-- All prerequisites, separated by commas -->
|skill0=You may open or close doors as though you were wearing [[Doorslip_Shoes_(3.5e_Equipment)|doorslip shoes]].
|skill4=You have an preternatural awareness of portals and can [[SRD:Detect_Secret_Doors|detect secret doors]] as the spell as a SLA at will.
|skill9=As a Supernatural Ability any key that you hold becomes the Master Key which can fit in any key-lock, and as a standard action work as [[SRD:Knock|knock]]. If the Master Key fails to open a door it may not attempt again on that door for 24 hours.
|skill14=Any portal opened with the Master Key will allow those who pass through to [[SRD:Teleport|teleport]] to any destination door that the Doorman visualizes, functioning much like Ring Gates with no limit on range or weight so long as they exit through a doorway. If no doorway is available to exit through then treat it as a False Destination on the teleport table. If this door is opened without the Master Key, then it again functions only as a mundane door. The effect ends after 2d6 rounds, or when the door closes, whichever occurs first.
|skill19=Portals opened with the Master Key now may be used to [[SRD:Plane_Shift|plane shift]] to a random door on the intended plane, again functioning much like Ring Gates with no limit on range or weight so long as they exit through a random doorway within 5 to 500 miles of the intended destination. If no door exists within that range then the attempt fails and door behaves as if it was opened without the Master Key.