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Shrimple (3.5e Race)

48 bytes added, 13:21, 6 June 2023
Alternate Racial Features
===Alternate Racial Features===
* ''Bubble Shield:'' Those shrimples that don't possess a strong grip develop additional ways of defending themselves. Once per hour, as a move action, they can produce bubbles on their body. For the next minute they gain Resistance to Fire up to their HD, [[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|Spell Dampening]] against [[Fire ]] spells equal to 1 + 1 per each 5 levels. This Fire Resistance lowers by one per each point of fire damage it prevents, and immediately stops after having received the same amount. This racial trait substitutes the Tight Grip trait.
* ''Climbing Crustacean:'' Having been born on land for generations, some shrimples have forgone their aquatic adaptations and instead have learned how to climb efficiently. They gain a climb speed of 30 feet. This racial trait substitutes their swim speed and the Amphibious trait.

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