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2,079 bytes added, 00:47, 13 June 2023
Created page with "{{5epointer|Varied|sources=SCAG, MToF}} {{5e Deity |name=Abbathor |sorttext= |refs=<ref name="scag.22">{{Cite Pub|Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide|pages=22}} Licensed: © Wi..."
{{5epointer|Varied|sources=SCAG, MToF}}
{{5e Deity
|refs=<ref name="scag.22">{{Cite Pub|Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide|pages=22}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref> <ref name="mtof.72.74">{{Cite Pub|Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes|pages=72-74}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref> <ref name="frw.a">titles{{cite Source|accessdate=2023-06-12|website=Forgotten Realms Wiki|url=|work=Abbathor}} Licensed: [[CC-BY-SA]].</ref> <ref name="fap">titles &mdash; {{Cite Pub|Faiths and Pantheons|pages=115}} (3e) Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref> <ref name="dieties">titles &mdash; {{cite Source|accessdate=2016-11-01||work=Deities}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref> <ref name="ua1">titles &mdash; {{Cite Pub|Unearthed Arcana (1e)|pages=111}} Licensed: &copy; TSR, Inc. {{fairuc}}.</ref> <ref name="dhd">titles &mdash; {{Cite Pub|Demihuman Deities|pages=42-45}} (2e) Licensed: TSR, Inc.</ref>
|title=Great Master of Greed, Trove Lord, Wyrm of Avarice, the Avaricious
|gender=Male <!-- Male, Female, Androgenous, None, Unstated, Unknown -->
|of=Greed <!-- Forests, Waves, etc. -->
|align=Neutral Evil
|symbol=Jeweled dagger, point down

{{blockref|Abbathor was the neutral evil dwarven god of greed<ref name="dhd" /> and for a time an exarch of Bane.<ref name="frcg">{{Cite Pub|Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide|pages=81}} (4e) Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref> The Great Master of Greed represented the major weakness of dwarvenkind, the treasurelust that was their worst aspect. The Trove Lord was once concerned with the natural beauty of gems, but after being denied the position he had coveted since birth, he abandoned dwarven honor for trickery and would do whatever it took to never be denied again.<ref name="fap" />|<ref name="frw.a" />}}

==Sources and Notes==
<references />
[[Category:5e Dwarves]]
{{5e Footer|Deity}}

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