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Autolock Pistol (3.5e Equipment)

178 bytes removed, 06:10, 5 July 2023
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A strange, more An advanced version of the [[Flintlock Pistol (3.5e Equipment)|Flintlock Pistol]] using a revolver system, it is able which holds more bullets and fires much more precisely at a longer range. The An Autolock Pistol hold may fire up to 8 six [[SRD:Sling BulletsBlack Powder Bullet (3.5e Equipment)|bullets]], one of which may be fired as an attack action. It may before needing to be reloaded as a move standard action which provokes an attack of opportunity. A wielder with exotic weapon proficiency may add her [[Dexterity]] to her damage roll against targets in the first range increment.
The Autolock Pistol share any feats with the exception of proficiency with the [[Flintlock Pistol (3.5e Equipment)|Flintlock Pistol]].

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