'''Immunity to Magic {{Ex}}:''' A water golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.
Any [Fire] spell that would deal at least 10 points of fire damage turns it into its steam form. In this form it gains the [Fire] subtype, loses its swim speed (and cannot submerge in water) and gains a fly speed of 30 ft (perfect), and its attacks deal an additional +1d6 fire damage. It also loses Splash. Its damage reduction becomes DR 10/bludgeoningpiercing.
Any [Cold] spell that would deal at least 10 points of cold damage turns it into its ice form. In this form it gains the [Cold] subtype, its movement speeds become 20 ft and 40 ft swim, and its attacks deal an additional +1d6 cold damage. Splash deals piercing damage, and it loses Extended Slam. Its damage reduction becomes DR 10/adamantine.