class tags - UA 2023 Bastions and Cantrips
{{edition|Bigby's Hand}}
{{Onevaried|noncanon=true|ua=true|sources=SRD5, UA23BaC}}
''a.k.a. Bigby's Hand''
{{One Spell
|name=Arcane Hand<!-- name of spell-->
|refs=<ref name="srd5">as ''Arcane Hand'' — {{Cite Pub|SRD-OGL v5.1SRD5ref}} Licensed: [[OGL]].</ref> <ref name="bigby">''{{One|Bigby}}'' is a copyrighted character name. © Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref> <ref name="ua22ecua23bac">Spell Group (Arcane) — {{Cite Pub|UA 2022 Expert Classes}}</ref> <ref name="ua223phpt7">spell group (Sorcerer, Wizard) class tags — {{Cite Pub|UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 7Bastions and Cantrips}}</ref>
|level=5 <!-- 0-9 -->
|list=Arcane, Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard
|school=Evocation<!-- spell school name only; ex: Transmutation -->
|ritual=<!-- if this can be cast as a ritual, please set this equal to "ritual", without the quotes. else delete this line.-->