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Ancient Dragon Turtle (5e)

1,392 bytes added, 30 January
{{5epointer|Fizban's Treasury of Dragons}}
[[File:Dragon turtle (7943242984).jpg|thumb|right|250px180px|Dragon Turtle<br />Image by Nikolaj Potanin<br />via Mediawiki Commons<br /> CC-BY-SA<br /> ''Image is not part of the SRD'']]{{5e Monster Pointer
|name=Ancient Dragon Turtle <!--Creature Name-->
|sorttext=Dragon Turtle Ancient <!--usually blank, category sort-->
|refs=<ref name="ftod.191">{{Cite Pub|Fizban's Treasury of Dragons|pages=191}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast (used under {{fairuc}}.</ref> <ref name="dmg5hab">habitat - suggested by ''{{SRD5|Dragon Turtle}}''fair use{{pub|Dungeon Master' clauses Guide (5e)}} p.302-305</ref>
|size=Gargantuan <!--Medium, Large, etc.-->
|type=Dragon <!--Dragon, Humanoid, Outsider, Swarm, etc.-->
|align=Neutral <!--Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil-->
|ac=22 <!--armor class-->
|acfluff=natural armor <!--reason if given-->
|hp=409 <!--number of hit points-->
|languageshd=|speed=30 ft., {{srd5lc|Swim}} 60 ft. |saves={{5eDex}}, {{5eCon}}, {{5eWis}}|skills={{SRD5|AquanPerception}}|damageresistances={{srd5lc|Cold}}, {{SRD5srd5lc|DraconicFire}} |damageimmunity= <!--Commondamage type; fire, Goblinradiant-->|conditionimmunity={{srd5lc|Charmed}}, None{{srd5lc|Frightened}}, etc{{srd5lc|Poisoned}}|senses={{srd5lc|Truesight}} 120 ft.|perception=21 <!--Passive Perception bonus; +5-->|languages={{5elang|Aquan}}, {{5elang|Draconic}}|habitat=Coastal, Underwater
|cr=24 <!--Challenge Rating-->
|xp= <!--Experience points for destroying-->
|qualitiespointer=true|canon=true|mount=|riders=|summary={{5ep|Dragon Turtle}} over 800 years old.  |feature1=Amphibious|flimit1=|fdesc1={{SRD5trait}} The dragon turtle can breathe air and water. 
|feature2=Blessing of the Sea
|flimit2={{SRD5|Recharge}}s after a {{5e Rest}}|fdesc2= 
|feature3=Legendary Resistance
|feature4fdesc3={{SRD5trait}} If the dragon turtle fails a {{srd5lc|Saving Throw}}, it can choose to succeed instead. |feature5=Unusual Nature|flimit5=|fdesc5= 
|adesc2=''{{SRD5|Melee Weapon Attack}}''
|adesc3=''Melee Weapon Attack''
|action5alimit4=|adesc4=''Melee Weapon Attack'' |action6=Steam Breath|alimit5alimit6=Recharges {{SRD5|Recharge}} 5-6|adesc6=<ref name="srd5var">Trait matches the trait of the same name in the {{pub|SRD-OGL v5.1}} "{{SRD5|Dragon Turtle}}" except where noted.</ref> The dragon turtle exhales scalding steam in a __-foot {{srd5lc|Cone}}. Each creature in that area must make a DC __ {{SRD5|Constitution}} saving throw, taking __ (__d_) {{srd5lc|Fire}} damage on a failed save, or {{srd5lc|Half}}{{5ertrd}} as much damage on a successful one. Being underwater doesn’t grant {{srd5lc|Resistance}} against this damage. 
|legend3=Boiling Aura
|lgdlimit3=Costs 3 Actions
|mythicdesc=If the dragon turtle's {{iplink|Blessing of the Sea}} trait has activated in the last hour, it can use the options below as {{iplink|Legendary Action}}s.
|mythic2=Armor of Storms
|mlimit2=Costs 2 Actionsactions|summarymdesc2=Ancient dragon turtle
{{SRD5:Dragon turtles have access to the spellcasting trait.<ref name="mm5.86">/Innate Spellcasting}} {{Cite Pub|Monster Manual :Dragon Turtle (5e)|pages=86}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause.</ref> <ref name="ftod.110">{{pub|Fizban's Treasury of DragonsLair Actions}} p.110</ref>
==Additional Reading==
* {{pub|Monster Manual (5e)}} p.119
* {{pub|Fizban's Treasury of Dragons}} p.110-113, 191-192.
==Sources and Notes==
<references />
[[Category:5e Dragons|Turtle Dragon Ancient 5e]]
[[Category:5e Dragon Turtles|Ancient]]
[[Category:5e Mythic Creatures]]
{{5e Footer|Monster}}[[Category:5e Dragons|Dragon Turtle Dragon 5e]][[Category:5e Dragon Turtles|Ancient]]{{#set: Maturity=Ancient}}

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