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Talk:Pseudonaught (3.5e Class)

147 bytes added, 10:45, 17 November 2009
Correct for spelling/grammer?: new section
:: Do we say that a wizard is wizard-level because they can cast fireball, lightning bolt, and polar ray? Same argument. And difficult terrain is REALLY good, especially under Tome rules. Same with full concealment, since you can't target and have to guess the squares that enemies are in. Furthermore, it's foolish to say that +12 wis is hard to come by. You can easily get it by having a starting wis of 18, +5 (level) +5 (tome) +6 (item). Templates or races that get bonuses to wis just make it even worse. Seriously, think before you type. --[[User:Ghostwheel|Ghostwheel]] 10:30, November 17, 2009 (UTC)
== Correct for spelling/grammer? ==
Do you mind if we correct for spelling and grammar? --[[User:Reddir|Be well]] 10:45, November 17, 2009 (UTC)

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