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Talk:Pseudonaught (3.5e Class)

1,331 bytes added, 03:47, 21 November 2009
SGT: (added a reply)
:::Here's one thought on how you might adjust this. 50% miss chance is a big deal. A smaller percentage is not. Have the vagary offer a 10% miss chance at first level, increasing by 10% every three levels thereafter, but only to a maximum of 5% per point of Wisdom modifier the pseudonaught. That would take you up to a 70% miss chance at level 19 provided you have 38 Wisdom. In a more realistic sense, it will limit the vagary at lower levels to something more level-appropriate, and will probably cap at something close to 50%. If you put an 18 in Wisdom it will carry you to 20% for sure. Wisdom 20 at first and level 8 will net you 35% at said level, and by level 12 you'll probably have a Wisdom-boosting item enough to get you 45% or so, which is relatively close to where I had previously thought mass displacement should become available.
:::Lastly, regarding things that don't really matter, I said baatezu (devils) because demons do not get that ability. And your method for measuring spell power, that is using a flat integer for each increase or decrease in the spell's power, is hardly reflective of the relative impacts of those changes. -- [[User:Jota II|Jota]] 18:14, November 20, 2009 (UTC)
::::Well, that's the thing, I don't have a tiny little balance scale over here and a calculator that goes into the seven millionth decimal place, so, I was ballparking, sure, maybe I was off, but, with fuzzy numbers, I was getting about fourth or fifth level spell. Also, you prolly would've been better with saying 'level appropriate for Xth level', instead of 'equivelant to an Xth level spell', considering that an 'Xth level spell' could be level appropriate, or it could not. Though, yeah, I'm just being nitpicky.
::::I like your suggestion, but the thing seems a little bit clunky, making a player remember 5 things at once just to see what they have. For this, I'm thinking a set number would be better. Perhaps miss chance 20%, though, that might not be worth looking at later on, so, toss out the true seeing part, and make it so that you are still generally well protected on the way out. Thoughts? I wanna make sure this is a good edit before I make it. &rarr; [[User:Rithaniel|<span style=color:Gray; -moz-border-radius-topleft:50px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft:50px">Rith</span>]]<sup> [[User talk:Rithaniel|<span style=color:#A30506; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft:50px; -moz-border-radius-topleft:50px">(talk)</span>]]</sup> 03:47, November 21, 2009 (UTC)
::::PS: [[SRD:Bone Devil|Where does it say 'Baatezu'?]]

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