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Gemcaster (3.5e Class)

670 bytes added, 21:55, 26 May 2010
Class Features
:'''Gems part of art:''' Lots of pieces of art has gems as part of their work. They can be removed with a successful craft: Gemcutter check based on the hardness of the art. There is a ten percent chance of damaging the gem with a failed check, and removing the gems halves the value of the art. Damaged gems break after a single use, becoming wortheless powder.
:'''Attacking Gems:''' Gems can be attacked and damaged by weapons only. All gems with spells have an AC of 10 + size (fine: +8) + [[SRD:Intelligence]] modifier of caster, a hardness of 8+1 per 2 spell levels and an HP of 15+3 per spell level.
'''Spells:''' A Gemcaster casts arcane spells stored in gems, which are drawn from the [[SRD:Sorcerer/Wizard Spell List|sorcerer/wizard list]]. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, a Gemcaster must have a [[SRD:Intelligence|Intelligence]] score equal to at least 10 + the spell. The [[SRD:DC|Difficulty Class]] for a [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throw]] against a Gemcaster’s spell is 10 + the [[SRD:Spell Level|spell level]] + the adventurer ’s [[SRD:Intelligence|Intelligence]] modifier.
'''Gem Talent''' At level five and every four levels thereafter, a Gemcaster can add one of the following talents to their special abilities:
:''Gem Ward:'' A Gemcaster can drain a gem of its spell and add that spell's level to their AC as a Misc. modifier for one minute per caster level.
:''Gem Slam:'' A Gemcaster can drain a gem of a spell and launch a missile of pure magic force at an enemy equal to 1d10 plus the spells 1d6 per spell level with a range of 10ft 30 + 5 feet per caster level:''Gem Heal:'' A Gemcaster can drain a gem of a spell and heal themselves for 1d4 + 1d3 per spell level.:''Gem Burst:'' A Gemcaster can drain a gem of a spell and do the spells spell level + caster level in + intelligence modifier damage in a ten foot burst with .:''Gem Transfer:'' A Gemcaster can drain a gem of a spell and transfer the power of a scroll into another gem place of the spell if the Gemcaster beats a diameter equal to 10 feet per caster spellcraft DC15 + scroll spell level. Failing the check removes the spell from the scroll and the gem remains drained of it's spell. The scroll's spell level cannot exceed the gem's level. '''Dual Casting''' At level fourteen, a Gemcaster has used gems for spells often enough to be able to use two different gems at the same time, one for each in the main hand, one in the off hand. The gem in the off handtakes twice as long as normal to recharge.
'''Metamagic:''' All the metamagic feats gained are able to be applied to gems at the time of their casting, including the feats gained through special abilities. For all purposes, treat the gem as casting a regular spell when applying a feat.

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