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Dragoon (3.5e Class)

403 bytes added, 01:58, 13 August 2010
Class Features
*''{{Anchor|Powerful Dive}} ([[Ex]]):'' Your standard action jump attack deals 2 damage per class level, and your full-round action dive have the damage die increase by 1 step to 1d8+1 per class level. You may also delay your landing by an additional full-round action if you so choose. In which case you deal 2d8+2 damage per class level.
*''{{Anchor|Rocket Lance}} ([[Ex]]):'' Being able to jump so high grants strong leg muscles able to release energy at a moment's notice. You gain the ability to sprint 1/hour, allowing you to travel at up to x10 your normal speed in a straight line. After you sprint, you are rendered [[fatigued]]. If you were already fatigued you are now [[SRD:Exhausted|exhausted]].
*''{{Anchor|Shellbreaker}} ([[Ex]]):'' Your powerful blows from the sky allows you to bypass many of the traditional means of defense on creatures, striking true. You may ignore any damage reduction (except for DR/-) when using your Jump class skill. You may perform this up to 4 + your [[Charisma]] modifier times per day (minimum 1).
'''{{Anchor|Meteor Strike}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' At 19th level you can strike with meteoric force at the ground, at the risk of your own safety. So long as you are under open skies, you may fly into the air and right into orbit. After 2 rounds of being out of combat you return on the third round, striking any point within 1 mile of your launch point. If you strike your target, your hit automatically becomes a critical hit, and you deal maximum damage. Regardless if you hit your target or not, all those in a 60 foot radius are subject to 2d6 damage per class level, half fire and half sonic damage with a Reflex save for half (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + [[Charisma]]). If you struck your initial target, they recieve no saving throw against the explosion. As a result of the impact you take 10d6 nonlethal damage and are dazed for 1 round. You may perform a Meteor Strike 1/day.
'''{{Anchor|Dragonheart}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' At 20th level, your body is changed by the draconic energy within you. You become immune to sleep, paralysis, and to the elemental type of your dragon as if you were a half-dragon element, of that type. You gain the dragon type, can rez familiar but may count as a member of your original race when beneficial. So long as either you or your dragon familiar rez remains alive, you for are never truely dead and any ressurection attempts are free of cost and drain no xp. If both you and your familair have perished, you must pay ressurection costs as long as one livesnormal.

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