Talk:Aspect of the Centipede (3.5e Feat)

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Why don't you gain most of the benefits for being quadrepedal when you gain all those legs?

Are those claw attacks primary weapons or secondary weapons?

Does the increase in size for the natural weapons this feat gives stack with the monstrosity class feature? --Mock Turtle 15:15, February 14, 2010 (UTC)

The reasoning behind that lack of benefits for being quadrapedal is lack the legs are essentially vestigial since they aren't exactly proportioned for your size. They offer a bonus to Balance checks because if you are unstable they can cling to a surface and support you, but they don't actually aid you in physical movement and they wouldn't be physically strong enough to help you with stability bonuses (the ones that become claws later would be stronger than normal, but since there are only up to four of them they aren't numerous enough to help and have been adapted to combat, not support.
The claws are secondary weapons (just added that in), and the size increases do stack with Monstrosity (which is a catch-all to increase all weapon damage). Since most player characters start at Large size at maximum (usually smaller), the potential to go beyond Colossal (or even get there) is quite low. Yeah, you'll be doing boatloads of damage (hopefully), but it's got to be able to do something other than spit flies when the class is at the Wizard BP. - TG Cid 17:18, February 14, 2010 (UTC)
Well, what about adding the quadrupedal benefits later on? It'd be cool to be a centipede from the waist down, don't you think? --Mock Turtle 06:37, February 15, 2010 (UTC)
I sort of assumed that you would remain bipedal since the rest of your body wouldn't necessarily adapt to the centipede legs. Unless your legs morphed into the tubular body of a centipede (which seems cool and might be added, but could be wandering into tricky territory given that it's almost a complete transformation with all the other stuff you would have going on), you wouldn't necessarily gain all the other benefits of those legs. - TG Cid 22:42, February 15, 2010 (UTC)