Talk:Black Hole (3.5e Monster)

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Technically if we wanna go even further whit empowering this thing, a black hole should absorb damage to increase its mass, basically being inmune to all kinds of damage, or more like, the damage actually increases his HP and size instead of reducing his HP, anything be it matter or energy you trow to a black hole, only serves to feed a black hole, not damaging it, the only thing that can bring death to a black hole is time itself and the fact that even a expression of nothingness can not escape the fate of dissipating in to nothing


RatedLike.png Eiji-kun likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
Ooo, I shall find an excuse to throw this at some cosmic-level deific empowered party! It'll be right out of Gunbuster! DOUBLE INAZUMI KICK APPROVED!!!!

Ironically, it isnt immune to that many things, generally relying on big numbers to save it from non damaging effects. for example, it dies suprisingly easily to a few wands of enervation held by a teleport-happy wizard. Dr.Drako 14:46 2/28/18