Talk:Deathless (3.5e Subtype)

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Isn't there already a deathless subtype, from Exalted deeds and ebberon? --NameViolation 06:18, April 20, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, they're basically positively charged undead who aren't evil cause "oh we're GOOD GHOSTS who have chosen to possess our bodies in times of need to guard ye sacred tomb and ye fabled chalice". While generally BS, it's best to avoid taking titles when possible. Also didn't I tell Sulacu this before, I think I did on this particular piece. -- Eiji Hyrule 06:55, April 20, 2010 (UTC)

Redundant Subtypes[edit]

There are a lot of redundant subtypes. Deathless, living dead, and unliving could all be one subtype. There are there slight differences, sure, but three different subtypes of mostly the same thing is distracting. Suggesting to merge all the undead subtypes into one.--Franken Kesey 17:16, 27 April 2019 (MDT)