Talk:Greater Contract (3.5e Spell)

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I was reading your spell, Greater Contract, and I had a few questions about its effects.

First, it states "If a creature breaks the contract, it is instantly killed, and takes an unpreventable -4 penalty to all ability scores for 1d6 weeks, independent of form."

My question is that if they die immedately why do they also take a -4 to all ability scores? Also is this considered a death effect?

Another question came from this part"

"If the contract is destroyed (by burning the paper it is written on or some other method), the creature who destroyed the contract dies instantly and their soul is erased from the universe,"

First, what if the contract is accidentaly destroyed? i.e. It is being kept in a building that is struck by lightning and the building burns down, along with the contract.

Second, what would happen to a character if thier 'soul is erased from the universe'?

Third, would a diety be able to do anything about the erased soul?

Fourth, why is a fourth level spell powerful enough to erase a soul from the universe? Even Epic spells aren't that powerful without a huge cost to make casting them possible.

Raethor 03:08, 21 February 2012 (UTC)

Well, just death without the -4 to all ability scores wouldn't be a very harsh deterrent, now would it? I suppose that soul-eradication part had too many useful side effects, so now it just erases the caster, solving all of the problems with it other than the problem of storage. --Foxwarrior 03:26, 21 February 2012 (UTC)