Talk:Greathammer (3.5e Equipment)

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RatedFavor.png Eiji-kun favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
WotC hates bludgeoning for some reason. Thank you for remembering us hammerbros.

The Greathammer has official stats in the Monster Manual IV (pag. 101), is this meant to replace or it is another kind of hammer? Ezzetabi 19:33, May 24, 2010 (UTC)

Wow, I'm a year and a half late but better late than never- Didn't know about it, so either or. Just filling in a hole I saw, no good bludgeoning two handers for martial.
Wow, I swore my name was on this, I thought it was mine. Well then, Alec better answer this. -- Eiji-kun 12:12, 5 October 2011 (UTC)
I figured there'd be an official one somewhere but I didn't care. It is a hammer, and it is great. --Sulacu 11:13, 10 October 2011 (UTC)