Talk:Gunchuck (3.5e Equipment)

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Taken from the Discord chat in relation to this weapon and the Bladed version.

"When fighting with a gunchuck, you can wield it either in melee (By holding the barrel of one gun and hitting someone with the other gun) or as a projectile weapon (By holding one of the guns by the pistol grip and letting the other dangle free). Thus you can TWF with either method - Wielding one as a ranged weapon and the other as a melee weapon, or etc."

"You can obviously TWF with other weapons, but for the purposes of triggering abilities that require you to be TWF'ing with Gunchucks, you need to be using a gunchuck in either hand, regardless of whether it's being used as ranged or melee - Though, some abilities state specifically that they have to be used in melee state to trigger them."

"More or less what I'm saying is, the Gunchuck doesn't function fully as a double weapon, in that wielding it in two hands doesn't make sense, unless you're wielding both of them as pistols."

"When enhancing a Gunchuck, the Baton part (Of both pistols) and the Gun part (Of both pistols) are enchanted separately, but you don't put one melee enchantment on one baton and a different one on the other. This contrasts with the Bladed version, where you can enchant the two blades separately, as well as enchanting the gun part of both pistols separately from either blade."

If more questions come up about these weapons, I'll be answering them here. --Zhenra-Khal (talk) 02:00, 17 November 2018 (MST)