Talk:Kamayari (3.5e Equipment)

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RatedFavor.png Undead Knave favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
I have to give this one a love because it led to me learning something. Historically, Japanese firemen used these to create firebreaks. The more you know!
RatedNeutral.png Eiji-kun is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
It is an ok martial weapon but one I have having difficulty visualizing. A climbing took which has reach, I don't know how that works. That aside, it has an interesting attack option that, sadly, becomes rather pointless after BAB 6. It's ok I suppose.

EDIT: Looking on google for images: this thing is a polearm. Why is it a light throwing weapon? Is that an error?

RatedOppose.png Quey opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
Does an awful lot of damage for a cheap, light, ranged, easily concealable, marital weapon. Also, due to the shape, you should probably not give an unconditional +2 to climb.
FavoredUndead Knave +
NeutralEiji-kun +
OpposedQuey +