Talk:Martial Artist (3.5e Class)
Luigifan18 likes this article and rated it 3 of 4. | |
So, basically what we have here is "monk that doesn't suck". It’s been done before, but it's a nice spin on the concept. |
Franken Kesey likes this article and rated it 3 of 4. | |
The first problem with the original monk was that is was OK at combat, the second was that combat was really all they could do – with limited utility abilities.
1) The first few classes features are improved versions of traditional monk abilities (i.e., AC Bonus, Flurry of Blows). 2) The Natural Grappler is well done, fitting the flavor of most martial arts ending on the ground, and being a streamlined ability. 3) Dislike how battle instincts stacks with the AC bonus which is already high. Suggest removing just the AC bonus (and keeping the crit and initiative parts). 4) Uncanny Dodge, Acrobatic Combatant, Ki Strike, Body Shield, Cat-like Reflexes, Improved Flanking, Blindsense, Timeless Body, are all good. 5) Like the idea of Close Quarters Combat, essentially a grapple of opportunity. The wording is highly conditional and confusing. The examples help explain it. 6) Flawless Stride and Astonishing Agility gives much needed utility to this class. Allowing it to do more than combat, plus parkour is always good. 7) Retaliation (Maneuvers), gaining two bonus feats at the same level is a lot. It would be better to separate them into different levels. Otherwise a good feature. 8a) Really like how Strategic Strike increases critical threat range. It is perfectly aligned with martial arts. The later level Forceful Strike also builds on this. Well done. 8b) And the ability to change damage types is misplaced. Unless a martial artist is using his nails, the slashing and piercing damage does not fit. Even using pressure points is still technically bludgeoning damage (no skin is pierced). Suggest removing the piercing and slashing damage. This fits the flavor more, and they have plenty of abilities without it. 9) Like how Defensive Roll is linked to damage dealt. This is a good mechanic, which is not overpowered and gives good options. Retaliation (Throw) is in a good place for the level. Would like to see more features like it. Something like a jujitsu attack of opportunity feature. It could link with so much of the class features. Retaliation (Redirect) also fits well. However the “must fail by 10” is significant, suggest reducing to 6 (same with throw). 10) Leg Sweep could be gained at lower level and linked with improved trip (see above). This would also separate it from whirlwind attack which is gained only two levels later. Permitting a lower level group engagement (leg sweep), then one 3-4 levels later (whirlwind attack). 11) Quivering Palm is a random feature which does not fit the flavor or link with any other mechanics. Suggest removing it. You could probably give them Blindsight in its place. 12) Mongoose-like Reflexes is a perfect capstone. 13) Lastly, would like to see a choking or arm/leg bar feature. A good martial artist knows how to break bones and knock an opponent unconscious. Overall a well done class, granting the utilities and abilities that the monk was lacking. While still being balanced and fun to play. Fix some of the above issues and will uprate. |