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This prestige class is a remake of the Complete Adventurer spellthief base class. This class is actually supposed to be worth playing. I thought that spellthievery is more of a specialist sort of thing, which lends itself much more to a prestige class. I also made sure to make this class be versatile against all forms of arcane/divine magic.
Becoming a Spellthief[edit]
Skills: | Sleight of Hand 8 ranks, Use Magic Device 4 ranks, Spellcraft 2 ranks. |
Special: | Sneak attack +3d6. |
Class Features[edit]
All of the following are class features of the spellthief.
Magic Points (Su): You are a magnet to magical energy, drawing in its power. This power is represented by magic points, which are used to power your class abilities.
You have a maximum number of magic points equal to 4 + your spellthief level + your charisma modifier.
Each round, you recharge 2 magic points, drawing the power from ambient magical energies. If you are in an area with no magic (such as an antimagic field), you don't recharge magic points.
Whenever a spell is cast, spell-like ability is cast, or activated supernatural ability is used within 5ft. of you, you regain 1 magic point. This range increases by 5ft. per 2 class levels. See Table: The Spelltheif for the Absorb Magic Radius.
Whenever you roll a saving throw against a non-harmless spell, spell-like ability, or activated supernatural ability, you regain 2 magic points. You regain these points whether you pass or fail, but only once per ability (ie. if an ability requires 3 saving throws, you only regain 2 magic points).
Steal Magic (Su): You are able to steal magical power from your opponents and use it yourself.
Whenever you hit with a sneak attack, you can forgo any number of sneak attack dice to steal an equal amount of spell levels from your opponent. Your opponent must make a Will save DC 10 + your spellthief level + your charisma modifier or else you can see their prepared spells (or spell list if they are a spontaneous caster) and choose any number of spells that have a total spell level equal to the amount of sneak attack dice you decided to forgo.
If your opponent has spell-like abilities, you can instead choose to see their list of spell-like abilities and choose to steal a number of spell-like abilities, based on whatever spell levels they would be as spells, equal to the amount of sneak attack dice you decided to forgo.
If your opponent has supernatural abilities that require an action to use, you can instead choose to see a description of each of them and choose to steal one of them.
After stealing a spell (or ability), you can cast it during the next 3 rounds. Treat it as if it were cast (or used) by the original owner for the purposes of determining caster level, save DC, and so forth. You can perform this action even if you do not have the minimum ability score normally required to cast a spell of that level. You must supply the same components (including verbal, somatic, material components costing more than 5 gp, and XP) except any focus required for the stolen spell or ability.
The owner of the spells or abilities that you stole from cannot cast that spell, use that ability, or cast any metamagic version of the spells for 3 rounds. Each round the creature may make a new saving throw to end the effect, at the same DC above, at which point you lose access to the spells. Whether the creature eventually saves or not, it loses the spell slots or prepared spells, if it was spells that were stolen.
This ability costs magic points according to the following:
- Melee sneak attack - 2 magic points
- Ranged sneak attack - 3 magic points
- Each additional usage of this ability this round - +1 cumulative magic points
Detect Magic (Sp): You can use Detect Magic as a spell-like ability at the cost of 1 magic point each round you choose to maintain it.
Sneak Attack (Ex): This ability is identical to the rogue ability of the same name.
Counter Magic (Su): You are able to counter spells that trace their effect nearby you.
Whenever a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability has its line of effect come within your absorb magic radius (see Table: The Spellthief), you can attempt to counter it. You are effectively attacking the magic itself, causing it to fizzle.
To counter magic, you can make an Attack of Opportunity (if you have one available) or readied attack against the spell or ability. The spell or ability has an armor class equal to 10 + the caster level of the spell (or HD of the creature for supernatural abilities) + the caster's primary ability modifier (or the creature's highest ability score modifier for supernatural abilities) for the purposes of this attack. If you hit, the spell or ability is countered and you can attempt to steal it.
If you want to steal the countered spell or ability, you spend 1 additional magic point. If you do, the creature is treated as though you hit it with your Steal Magic ability (and must make a saving throw, as appropriate).
Unlike stolen magic, if you don't steal the spell or ability, the caster is free to use the same spell or ability again.
This ability costs magic points according to the following:
- Readied attack - 3 magic points
- Attack of Opportunity - 6 magic points
- Add a steal effect to a successful counter magic - +1 magic point
Anchoring Sneak Attack (Ex): You gain Anchoring Sneak Attack as a bonus feat.
OmNomNom Magic (Su): You are able to eat spells for breakfast.
As an immediate action, you can take a -2 penalty to a saving throw against a non-harmless spell/spell-like ability/supernatural ability that requires a save. If you do, you regain 4 magic points (in addition to the 2 magic points you would normally gain).
Arcane Sight (Sp): You can use Arcane Sight as a swift action spell-like ability with a duration of 1 round. You can continue maintaining the arcane sight as a free action at the start of your turn. Each round you have arcane sight active, you must spend 1 magic point.
Backstab Reality (Su): Wizards keep trying to mess with reality and you've stolen a few tricks from their books. Whenever a creature within your absorb magic radius begins casting a spell or spell-like ability, or activates a supernatural ability, as an immediate action you can teleport to within 5 ft. of them and make an Attack of Opportunity (if you have one available). The creature must make a Reflex save DC 10 + your spellthief level + your dexterity modifier or else be flatfooted against your attack. This attack could interrupt a spell or spell-like ability, as normal, but also forces creatures using supernatural abilities to make a concentration check as if they were using a spell or else have their ability countered.
This ability costs 10 magic points.
Vomit Magic (Su): You are able to send a burst of stored magical energy in a line.
As a swift action, you can fire a 60 ft. line of magical energy. To use this ability, you must expend one of the spells or spell-like abilities, or supernatural abilities you have stolen. If you do, the line deals 2d6 damage per spell level or 1d6 damage per HD of the creature for supernatural abilities. Any creature caught in the area may make a Reflex save DC 10 + your spellthief level + your charisma modifier for half damage.
This ability costs 3 magic points.
Magicide (Su): You are a master of stealing magical power. Once per day, as a full round action, you can make a single attack against an enemy, treating them as flat-footed. If you hit, the creature must make a Will Save DC 10 + your spellthief level + your charisma modifier or else lose access to all of its spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities (including passive abilities). You gain access to all these abilities and may use them at the same power as the owner (as if they were stolen magic). At the end of each of its turns, the creature may make a new saving throw to end this effect, at which point it regains access to its abilities and you lose access.
Rather than re-write all the fluff for the spellthief, which WotC did (somewhat) well, instead, I'll just direct you to the following page, which is fluff published by WotC:
Back to Main Page → 3.5e Homebrew → Classes → Prestige Classes