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Dob Adee

CR —

male dragonwrought (blue) desert kobold blue mage 5/incarnate 5
NE small dragon (reptilian, incarnum)
Init/Senses -1/darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen -2, Spot -2
Aura evil (power 5)
Languages Common, Draconic, Imperial
AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 12
(natural +1, size +1, deflection +1, dexterity -1)
hp 50 (5 HD)
Immune magic sleep effects, paralysis
Fort/Ref/Will +7/+1/+2; heat endurance (+4 on fort saves against hot weather), been there done that +2 (bonus on saves against known blue magic spells), deformity (obese) (+2 circumstance to saves against poisons)
Weakness noncombatant (-2 on melee attacks)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee club -2 (1d4, 20/×2)
Ranged club +3 (1d4, 20/×2, range increment 10 ft.)
Base Atk/Grp +2/-5
Special Actions indigo infusion (1 minute of concentration, make something blue while in possession), creature magic +1 (1 round; retriable; knowledge check with competence bonus to identify creatures' abilities; if successful, +2 insight to check to learn ability), incarnum radiance 1/day (free action, [3 + con modifier] rounds, +4 on melee damage rolls), rapid meldshaping 1/day (full-round action, provokes AoOs, unshape and replace soulmeld)
Combat Gear minor schema of animate dead
blue mage Spells Known (25 SP, CL 5th):
3rd (0/day)—wall of incarnum (Magic of Incarnum), dispel magic, stinking cloud, ghoul gesture (Spell Compendium)
2nd (0/day)—soul boon (Magic of Incarnum), glitterdust, phantasmal assailants (Spell Compendium)
1st (0/day)—scales of the lizard (Complete Arcane), benign transposition (Spell Compendium)
Spell-Like Abilities
At will—detect good
Abilities Str 4, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 6, Cha 18
SQ blue magic (learn experienced spell with DC 15 + [3 × spell level] spellcraft check), azure awareness (learn experienced spell even on successful save, DC 15 + [4 × spell level]), meldshaping (4 melds, 6 essentia, 1 bind [crown, feet, or hands], capacity 1 [2 in melds])
Feats incarnum spellshaping (can cast incarnum spells), willing deformity, dragonwrought (blue), split chakra (crown) (can have both a crown slot soulmeld bound and a head slot magic item worn, or vice versa), deformity (obese)
Skills bluff 6 ranks + 4 ability = 10, concentration 8 ranks + 3 ability + 2 circumstance from tool = 13, craft (trapmaking) 0 ranks + 2 ability + 2 racial = 4, diplomacy 0 ranks + 4 ability + 2 synergy = 6, disguise 0 ranks + 4 ability = 4 (+2 synergy = 6 to act in character), heal 1 rank - 2 ability = -1, hide 0 ranks - 1 ability + 4 size + 2 racial = 5, intimidate 0 ranks + 4 ability + 2 synergy + 3 willing deformity + 2 circumstance from deformity (obese) = 11, knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks + 2 = 10, knowledge (religion) 8 ranks + 2 ability = 10, search 0 ranks + 2 ability + 2 racial = 4, sleight of hand 0 ranks - 1 ability + 2 synergy = 1, spellcraft 8 + 2 ability + 2 synergy + 2 circumstance from tool = 14 (+2 synergy = 16 to decipher scrolls), survival 0 ranks - 2 ability + 2 racial = 0, use magic device 8 ranks + 4 ability + 2 circumstance from tool = 14 (+2 synergy = 16 involving scrolls)
Possessions combat gear plus mwk use magic device tool, magic bedroll, mwk spellcraft tool, mwk concentration tool, ring of protection +1, 275 gp
Patron Deity Elder Evils

34 years old, roughly equivalent to a 20 year old human.

AP 6/7

Usual Soulmelds
Chakra Soulmeld Effect Essentia
Arms (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Brow Mage's Spectacles +4 insight to decipher script, spellcraft, and use magic device bonus increased by 2 per point of essentia
Crown Necrocarnum Circlet blindsight 30 ft., only detects undead undead within 30 ft. gain turn resistance equal to amount of investment, undead animated by Dob get double
Bound: full-round action, provokes AoO; animate corpse within 30 ft. as necrocarnum zombie; target's HD can't exceed meldshaper level; take damage equal to target's HD, can't be healed while zombie is animated; full control with line of effect, follows last command otherwise; one necrocarnum zombie at a time Bound: Dob's necrocarnum zombie gains bonus essentia equal to invested essentia
Feet (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Hands (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Heart (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Shoulders (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Soul (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Throat Dissolving Spittle standard action, provokes AoOs; ranged touch, 1d6 acid damage, 30 ft. range 1d6 additional damage per point of essentia
Waist Vitality Belt +4 morale on con checks and con-based skill checks bonus HP (not temporary HP) equal to investment × meldshaper level