From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
male dragonwrought (blue) desert kobold blue mage 5/incarnate 5 | |
NE small dragon (reptilian, incarnum) | |
Init/Senses | -1/darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen -2, Spot -2 |
Aura | evil (power 5) |
Languages | Common, Draconic, Imperial |
AC | 12, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (natural +1, size +1, deflection +1, dexterity -1) |
hp | 50 (5 HD) |
Immune | magic sleep effects, paralysis |
Fort/Ref/Will | +7/+1/+2; heat endurance (+4 on fort saves against hot weather), been there done that +2 (bonus on saves against known blue magic spells), deformity (obese) (+2 circumstance to saves against poisons) |
Weakness | noncombatant (-2 on melee attacks) |
Speed | 30 ft. |
Melee | club -2 (1d4, 20/×2) |
Ranged | club +3 (1d4, 20/×2, range increment 10 ft.) |
Base Atk/Grp | +2/-5 |
Special Actions | indigo infusion (1 minute of concentration, make something blue while in possession), creature magic +1 (1 round; retriable; knowledge check with competence bonus to identify creatures' abilities; if successful, +2 insight to check to learn ability), incarnum radiance 1/day (free action, [3 + con modifier] rounds, +4 on melee damage rolls), rapid meldshaping 1/day (full-round action, provokes AoOs, unshape and replace soulmeld) |
Combat Gear | minor schema of animate dead |
blue mage Spells Known | (25 SP, CL 5th): 3rd (0/day)—wall of incarnum (Magic of Incarnum), dispel magic, stinking cloud, ghoul gesture (Spell Compendium) 2nd (0/day)—soul boon (Magic of Incarnum), glitterdust, phantasmal assailants (Spell Compendium) 1st (0/day)—scales of the lizard (Complete Arcane), benign transposition (Spell Compendium)
Spell-Like Abilities | At will—detect good
Abilities | Str 4, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 6, Cha 18 |
SQ | blue magic (learn experienced spell with DC 15 + [3 × spell level] spellcraft check), azure awareness (learn experienced spell even on successful save, DC 15 + [4 × spell level]), meldshaping (4 melds, 6 essentia, 1 bind [crown, feet, or hands], capacity 1 [2 in melds]) |
Feats | incarnum spellshaping (can cast incarnum spells), willing deformity, dragonwrought (blue), split chakra (crown) (can have both a crown slot soulmeld bound and a head slot magic item worn, or vice versa), deformity (obese) |
Skills | bluff 6 ranks + 4 ability = 10, concentration 8 ranks + 3 ability + 2 circumstance from tool = 13, craft (trapmaking) 0 ranks + 2 ability + 2 racial = 4, diplomacy 0 ranks + 4 ability + 2 synergy = 6, disguise 0 ranks + 4 ability = 4 (+2 synergy = 6 to act in character), heal 1 rank - 2 ability = -1, hide 0 ranks - 1 ability + 4 size + 2 racial = 5, intimidate 0 ranks + 4 ability + 2 synergy + 3 willing deformity + 2 circumstance from deformity (obese) = 11, knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks + 2 = 10, knowledge (religion) 8 ranks + 2 ability = 10, search 0 ranks + 2 ability + 2 racial = 4, sleight of hand 0 ranks - 1 ability + 2 synergy = 1, spellcraft 8 + 2 ability + 2 synergy + 2 circumstance from tool = 14 (+2 synergy = 16 to decipher scrolls), survival 0 ranks - 2 ability + 2 racial = 0, use magic device 8 ranks + 4 ability + 2 circumstance from tool = 14 (+2 synergy = 16 involving scrolls) |
Possessions | combat gear plus mwk use magic device tool, magic bedroll, mwk spellcraft tool, mwk concentration tool, ring of protection +1, 275 gp |
Patron Deity | Elder Evils |
34 years old, roughly equivalent to a 20 year old human.
AP 6/7
Chakra | Soulmeld | Effect | Essentia |
Arms | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) |
Brow | Mage's Spectacles | +4 insight to decipher script, spellcraft, and use magic device | bonus increased by 2 per point of essentia |
Crown | Necrocarnum Circlet | blindsight 30 ft., only detects undead | undead within 30 ft. gain turn resistance equal to amount of investment, undead animated by Dob get double |
Bound: full-round action, provokes AoO; animate corpse within 30 ft. as necrocarnum zombie; target's HD can't exceed meldshaper level; take damage equal to target's HD, can't be healed while zombie is animated; full control with line of effect, follows last command otherwise; one necrocarnum zombie at a time | Bound: Dob's necrocarnum zombie gains bonus essentia equal to invested essentia | ||
Feet | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) |
Hands | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) |
Heart | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) |
Shoulders | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) |
Soul | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) |
Throat | Dissolving Spittle | standard action, provokes AoOs; ranged touch, 1d6 acid damage, 30 ft. range | 1d6 additional damage per point of essentia |
Waist | Vitality Belt | +4 morale on con checks and con-based skill checks | bonus HP (not temporary HP) equal to investment × meldshaper level |