From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
male dwarf gestalt incarnate 5/crusader 8/sublime incarnate 2/ironsoul forgemaster 7/deepstone sentinel 2 | |
LE medium humanoid (dwarf, incarnum) | |
Init/Senses | +3/60 ft. darkvision, stonecunning (auto-search for stonework w/in 10 ft., stone trapfinding, intuit depth); Listen -1, Spot -1 |
Aura | law (power 5) |
Languages | Common, Dwarven |
AC | 30, touch 14, flat-footed 30; +4 dodge against giants (+11 armor, +5 shield, +4 deflection) |
hp | 178 (12 HD); DR 3/– |
Fort/Ref/Will | +13/+6/+8; +2 racial against poison, +2 racial against spells and SLAs, indomitable soul (cha bonus to will saves), zealous surge 1/day (reroll save) |
Weakness | shaky (-2 on ranged attack), pathetic (-2 cha, already factored in) |
Speed | 20 ft.; keeps speed even with armor or load |
Melee | mwk longsword +15/+10/+5 (1d8+3, 19-20/×2) |
Ranged | mwk composite longbow (mighty 3) +13/+8/+3 (1d8+3, 20/×3) |
Base Atk/Grp | +11/+14 |
Atk Options |
Special Actions | incarnum radiance +2 1/day (free action, bonus to melee attack for 3 + con mod [min 1] rounds), rapid meldshaping 1/day (full-round, provokes AoOs, unshape and replace soulmeld, new soulmeld is not bound) |
crusader Maneuvers and Stances Known | (IL 12th, 5 readied, 3 granted, vital recovery (1/encounter, heal 3+[character level] when recovering maneuvers), adaptive style): Stances—martial spirit (heal ally w/in 30 ft. 2 hp w/ each successful attack), stonefoot stance (+2 on str checks, +2 on AC vs larger foes, ends with >5 ft. movements), thicket of blades Strikes—stone bones (standard, melee attack, DR 5/adamantine for 1 round if successful hit), douse the flames† (standard, melee attack, foe can't make AoOs), leading the attack (standard, melee attack, success grants allies +4 morale on attacks against foe), crusader's strike (standard, target w/ diff align who poses an immediate & direct threat, heal self or ally w/in 10 ft. 1d6+5), vanguard strike (standard, melee attack, allies gain +4 on attacks for 1 round), stone vise (standard, melee attack, extra 1d6, foe on ground has 0 to all speeds for 1 round, DC [12+str mod] fort negates immobility), revitalizing strike† (as crusader's strike, but 3d6+[IL, max 10]), divine surge† (+8d8 damage, standard action attack), elder mountain hammer† (standard action attack, 6d6 extra damage, bypass DR and hardness), crushing vise (as stone vise, but 4d6 damage and no save)† Disciplines: devoted spirit, stone dragon, white raven † Readied maneuver
Spell-Like Abilities | At will—detect chaos 2/day—passwall
Abilities | Str 16, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 4 |
SQ |
Feats | stone power, combat reflexes, stand still, extra granted maneuver, vital recovery, bonus essentia, craft magic arms and armor, adaptive style, double chakra (arms) |
Skills | appraise 0 ranks - 1 ability = -1 (+2 racial = 1 related to stone or metal) (+2 synergy = 1 related to armor), balance 13 ranks + 4 ability - 9 armor - 9 shield = -1, craft (armorsmithing) 12 ranks - 1 ability + 7 insight = 18 (+2 racial = 20 related to stone or metal), knowledge (arcana) 2 ranks - 1 ability = 1, martial lore 5 ranks - 1 ability = 4, search 0 ranks - 1 ability = -1 (+2 racial = 1 to notice unusual stonework), spellcraft 5 ranks - 1 ability = 4 |
Possessions |
note: dwarvencraft items are identical to masterwork items, but have an extra 2 hardness, 10 hp, and +2 on saves
Contact | Contact's Position | Location | Gred's Position |
Perecia Empire | Nation | Selk | Knight of the Order of the High Crown |
Evo | Ruler of Evoia | Evoia | Head Constable |
Wra'sh | Nation | Wra'sh | Honorary Citizen |
Chakra | Soulmeld | Effect | Essentia |
Arms | Incarnate Weapon | form longsword of incarnum, cannot be sundered or destroyed, returns to hand beginning of each turn, lawful aligned | +e enhancement bonus |
Bound: move action, charge next melee attack to stun enemy with different alignment, fort negates | |||
Bluesteel Bracers | +2 on init checks | +e insight to weapon damage | |
Brow | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) |
Crown | Crystal Helm | +2 resistance on Will saves against charm/compulsion | +e deflection |
Bound: melee attacks gain force descriptor | |||
Feet | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) |
Hands | Lightning Gauntlets | 1d6 electricity damage with standard action touch attack | +ed6 damage |
Bound: 1/round, add damage to unarmed, natural, or handheld weapon attack | |||
Heart | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) |
Shoulders | Mantle of Flame | unarmed, natural, or handheld weapon attackers are dealt 1d6 fire, shadowy illumination in Gred's space | +ed6 fire damage |
Soul | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) |
Throat | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) | (unoccupied) |
Waist | vitality belt | +4 morale on con checks and con-based skill checks | +(MSL*e) bonus (not temporary) HP |